PayPal, the Goliath Bully, may be freezing and limiting
accounts on their suicidal path to destroy marketers and
program owners…
But you don’t have to cower in fear!
Hopefully you have not been affected yet, as it is very
saddening for us to hear about yet another person getting
their Paypal account Permanently closed..
The solution is something we learned long ago, ever heard
the saying..?
“Do not put all your eggs in one basket”
See this is not the first time Paypal has done this, they
have actually done it several times over the last 15 years
I have been doing this stuff..
We made sure to always vary the things we were promoting
and getting paid by, so no one payment processor could take
us down for the count..
Right now, as many of you all know, the main Opportunity
and system we promote is Now LifeStyle, which is owned by
our parent company GVO..
They do not use Paypal, and have not used them for over 10
years, in fact they stay far away from Paypal..They seen
the writing on the wall years ago..
Our CEO, Joel Therien is VERY SMART and is very PRO-active!
If you are proactive, you make things happen, instead of
waiting for them to happen to you. So if you are proactive,
you are ready before something happens. The opposite is
being reactive, or waiting until it is to late before
This is one of the key reasons, we are aligned with Now
LifeStyle and our CEO, Joel Therien..We like to be a head
of the crowd..
The crowd has no vision or leadership..and is reactive and
waits tell it is almost too late..
Being paid by 1 company for over a DECADE is pretty
smart..There are not many programs online that last even
two years..Let a lone over 10 years..
Be smart like us, and choose Pro-Active!
To Your Absolute Success
Your Friends And Partners
Richard And John Weberg