Ring! RIING RINGG! Yeah, that’s cheesy, but maybe at the end of this email,
you’ll have opened your eyes and seen what’s about to happen…
We’ve talked about investment, we’ve talked about being consistent, but..
Something is missing.
The final “something”, that will bring you to the greatest few steps of your life.
I’m NOT kidding around either.
Because this 3rd and final step…
This important, 3rd and final step.
Has given me at 20 years old, with ZERO college education.
The life of my dreams. I can travel, eat, drive, walk, or go anywhere I want at any time of day or week, without a second thought.
My own house, and as of recently I’ve moved into one more then DOUBLE the size of my last one.
Around 2,100/2,200 square feet.
You, and our entire family. Without this business, and without the 3rd step, I’m going to talk about…
I would be no where. Because YOU, and our entire family, is what makes this business launch forward.
So what’s the 3rd step?
This 3rd step, that allowed a 20 year old kid to live the life of the 1% and
have total peace of mind…
The 3rd step, that will bring YOU to finally achieve this dream.
This 3rd step, that will release your built up momentum, and bring YOU, to the income and life of your dreams.
Step 3 is….
You must take massive relentless action while NEVER giving up.
Now don’t get me wrong…
This can, and I’m sure WILL be hard… This might take your time…
This might take your money… This might take your energy…
This might take everything you’ve got.
But, it’s the only step you have left.
After following the past 2 days lessons you should understand…
What I’ve laid out is your only option left…
Here’s some proof of it…
My dad, had to move his family into welfare housing apartments,
where his income was so low at the time, his monthly rent was $20 a month.
He back was to the wall. Dealing with many other of life’s struggles, and now bankrupt with NO place to go.
My dad decided, that he was sick and tired of his situation, for himself and for his family.
It was time to act, to take action, and to do everything in his power, to change his families life.
So each and every day…
He would work, come home, and then work some more on his home business.
Each and every day, he put in the investment…
Each and every day, he put in the time… And energy…
And he did this consistently…
With relentless massive action…
And now he’s transformed his life entirely.
To buying 2 brands new cars, traveling the world, taking care of his family, remodeling his home, building a new 3 stall garage, buying a truck,
and he works now only on his own terms.
#1. Investment.
#2. Consistency.
#3. Massive relentless action without ever giving up.
Not only, because we KNOW you have what it takes to follow these 3 guide lines and ultimately change your life.
But because, you ALSO are about to witness the largest launch ever seen in our industry, ever.
With over 75,000 members in pre-launch, and a system that gives you every single tool to build an EMPIRE in, that gives 90% commissions.
This, is going to change your life.
But ONLY if you follow those 3 guide lines when it comes to building your business!
Here’s what you can do…
#1. If you want to hear my dad’s entire story, you can watch it here…
#2. If you haven’t invested in your own business and future, you can do so at this page…
And finally, if you want to move at an incredible page and become the next Diamond or Double Diamond,
start your training here: http://youreightsteps.com/?rid=10
This is your chance. Your shot.
And you have US behind your back showing the way.
We are your mentors, and we would rather die then show you the wrong direction.
We will always be here for you.
Jon Weberg
Richard Weberg