Two VERY amazing people..
It is pretty damn cool, when your CEO of your affiliate marketing company shows up at your house…
Thank you Joel Therien and Mike Potvin,
we enjoyed spending personal time with the both of you, and you are both truly inspiring and amazing friends!!
This is what being part of Now LifeStyle means to us, and this is the people that run the company you are all part of..
Absolutely amazing!!
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules, and sharing me and my wife’s anniversary with us!!
Forever appreciated from the bottom of my heart!!! Love you guys for all you do!!
Has the CEO of your affiliate marketing company ever showed up at your house..?
What CEO do you know, that will fly hundreds of miles…
Not for business.
Not for some huge meeting.
But to simply spend time with some of his top leaders, and to share a wedding anniversary party with them.
For 4 days!
Thank you SO much, to Joel Therien & Mike Potvin for being incredible people…
And showing us how much Now Life Style and the people behind it TRULY care…
This is what you are part of, and why Now
Lifestyle is at the cornerstone of everything we
show you exactly how to do..
As this will lead you to your success, now that
you are part of the greatest team ever assembled!!
The companies vision is and
they are committed to building it into a billion
dollar company. You just seen their commitment to us
in the video above..
Are you one of the smart people..? This is one of
those times, where you are either going to say..
“I am!” or later on say “I wished I had!”
Could have, should have, I wished I had, is how
your life stays the same..
We are building a massive team and you can be
part of it, right now..
The band is about to play, and it is time to rock and
roll my friend!
To your success and happiness my friend!
Richard And John Weberg