Hey my friends, and fellow Now LifeStyler’s!
We wanted to make sure and alert you to a new super cool system has launched that has totally integrated our Now LifeStyle/Sendshark autoresonder..
This system will help you 1000X your leads, and will help you 1000X your downline sign ups in NowLifeStyle/Sendshark..
First, for those of you who may not know, Sendshark is the name of our Now LifeStyle Autoresponder, and when you make sales of it, that also builds your binary income in the Now LifeStyle compensation plan..
Our CEO Joel Therien, worked with the owners of this new system, to totally integrate our Now LifeStyle autoresponder..When I say integrate, it is the slickest we have ever seen…
The moment you join the new system and go through the fast start steps, all you need to do is plug in your username and password for Now LifeStyle, and it will automatically create a done for you campaign, complete with done for you emails, you do not have to do anything else, and your Now LifeStyle autoresponder will be fully plugged into this new viral list building system..
So what should you do next..??
Go here opt-in: https://www.mylistleverage.com/sp1/richardandjohn
Than watch the video and choose your package, and than log in to your new system dashboard and follow the system fast start steps, and you will be off to the races..
What will this new system do for you..besides build your NowLifeStyle/Sendshark downline..?
1. Automate & Explode the entire list building process for you
Eventually your lead flow will be automatic, and cost you
nothing ever again..
Watch now, this is the key to your success!
2. Make you the Top of the Food Chain..
The ability to EARN BIG Ticket Commissions Leveraging OTHER peoples Efforts…(Like For Real)
3. A Crazy Viral Method That Is Designed For You To Do Much LESS Work…It’s All About Timing On This One!(Founding Members)
*** AND *** Earn up to $0.20 PER CLICK even when your prospects
and your team’s prospect’s DO NOT buy.
Did you catch that?
Now we even get paid for EVERY click we deliver to our own email list, plus huge sales!! Does not get any better than that!!
You need to get started ASAP.. Go here now: https://www.mylistleverage.com/sp1/richardandjohn
All of NowLifeStyle/Sendshark will be joining this, it will be the biggest launch of 2019/2020 , the biggest marketers in the world are and will be promoting this, you will see this EVERY WHERE!! It will help you build your NowLifeStyle/Sendshark downline!!
This system is unlike anything you have ever seen before..
Where ANYONE will be able to Fast Track their way to over 10K Monthly…
It will build your list, and your income 1000Xfaster and more efficiently..
It will give you ultimate leverage..
It will give you a sales team that works for you..
It is the most complete done for you automation we have ever seen!!
It has some features that are industry first,
never been done before..DFY Traffic Monetization, this income stream HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE!
get in now, do not hesitate, you will wish you had taken action on this, I guarantee it!!
Go here now and opt-in,
Than you will be taken to a video page, where you will create your account and get started.
Once inside your members area, make sure and follow the fast start videos, and join the Facebook Group..
See you on the inside my friend!
Richard And John Weberg